J.D. Vance’s radical plan to build a government of Trump loyalists

“Donald Trump’s allies have laid out sweeping plans to reshape the executive branch of the federal government if he is returned to power, plans that involve firing perhaps tens of thousands of career civil servants and replacing them with handpicked MAGA allies.

But how far, exactly, would Trump go in trying to tear down what he calls the “deep state?” The answer hasn’t been clear.

In picking J.D. Vance as his vice president, he’s picked someone who will egg him on to go very far indeed.

“If I was giving him one piece of advice” for a second term, Vance said on a 2021 podcast:

“Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”

That was no idle talk. To an extent unusual for a politician — and perhaps because he hasn’t been in politics very long — Vance is interested in big ideas. He’s been deeply influenced by thinkers on the movement known as the New Right, who want to seize and transform societal institutions they believe are dominated by the left.

A big part of that would involve a restored President Trump purging any resistance to him, or checks on his power, from the executive branch.”

“As Trump was about to leave office in 2020, he finally got around to trying to do something about the supposed “deep state”: He issued an executive order known as Schedule F.

This order laid the groundwork for reclassifying as many as 50,000 career civil servant jobs as political appointees who could then be fired and replaced by Trump. He was out of office before it could be implemented, however, and Biden quickly revoked it.

There’s been much fear about Trump restoring this policy in his second term, replacing a great many nonpartisan career experts with political hacks or ideologues willing to go along with his extreme or corrupt plans.

Such a move could be implemented in any number of ways, from the more limited and less disruptive to more sweeping and very disruptive. Considering Trump has only intermittent interest in the details of policy and implementation, I’ve thought that how this plays out would depend on who staffs his administration, since he could be pulled in various directions. Advisers worried about chaos and political blowback could counsel restraint.

Vance would not do that. He would be a key voice in Trump’s administration urging him to go very big indeed.

Elsewhere in the podcast, Vance said that the courts would inevitably “stop” Trump from trying to fire so many employees. When they do, Vance went on, Trump should “stand before the country like Andrew Jackson did, and say, ‘The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.’”

That is: Vance urged that Trump radically remake the executive branch even if the Supreme Court said doing so was illegal.”


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