Trump calls for undoing part of his own tax law, vowing to ‘get SALT back’

“Donald Trump called for rolling back part of his signature tax law Tuesday, suggesting he would seek to reinstate the state and local tax deduction, commonly known as SALT, that he controversially capped in the 2017 legislation.

In a Truth Social post ahead of his trip to New York’s Long Island, the former president wrote that he would “get SALT back” and “lower your Taxes” if he returns to the White House in January.

Trump didn’t elaborate or get specific. But the statement appears to be the first time that Trump has called for rolling back a piece of his biggest legislative achievement, a law that he has also called for extending next year when major portions of it are set to expire.

The 2017 law capped the previously unlimited federal deduction for state and local taxes at $10,000 per filer. The policy hit hardest for Americans in high-tax blue states — especially New York, New Jersey and California — who itemize their deductions. Democrats, who represent most of those areas, fiercely objected at the time, accusing the GOP of using tax policy to wage a culture war. Some Republicans in those states also say the $10,000 cap should be lifted.

Trump’s comment marked the latest in a series of seemingly impulsive policy comments that have turned heads within his party. Most Republicans oppose an expansion of the “SALT” deduction and have criticized Democrats for pushing to lift the $10,000 cap.”

“Despite Trump’s comments, it’s far from clear a Republican-led Congress would lift the SALT cap. Earlier this year, a group of House Republicans blocked their party from allowing a vote pushed by New York GOP members to expand the SALT deduction.”

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