Ukrainian M1 Abrams Commander Talks Tank’s Major Vulnerabilities, Advantages In Combat

““The American tankers should act promptly,” he urged. “Their tanks are too thin and vulnerable given the current threats on the battlefield. Protect your tanks urgently to avoid losses in potential near-future conflicts, taking into account our experience.””

F-35 Critics Are Completely Wrong. F-16s for Ukraine Were Over-Hyped. | Ep. 44 Prof. Justin Bronk

Unmanned drone technology is not yet able to replace the capabilities of a crewed plane like the F-35. Swarms of small drones have very limited ranges. Large drones will no longer be cheap and swarms would be too expensive. AI cannot yet fulfill the many tasks that a trained human pilot can.

Union Workers Are Fighting To Keep U.S. Ports More Dangerous and Less Efficient

“America’s ports have fallen behind. Not a single one ranks in the top 50 worldwide.
A big reason is that dock unions stop innovation.

This fall, the International Longshoremen’s Association shut down East and Gulf coast ports, striking for a raise and a ban on automation. They got the raise.

Now union president Harold Daggett says longshoremen will strike again in January if they don’t get that ban on automation.

His statement in my new video makes it clear that he knows how badly his strike would damage other Americans.

“Guys who sell cars can’t sell cars, because the cars ain’t coming in off the ships. They get laid off,” says Daggett. “Construction workers get laid off because materials aren’t coming in. The steel’s not coming in. The lumber’s not coming in. They lose their job.”

Obviously, labor leaders aren’t necessarily “pro-worker,” says Mercatus Center economist Liya Palagashvili.

“They’re saying, ‘We don’t care if these other jobs are destroyed as long as we get what we want.'”

Daggett is unusually clueless. He doesn’t understand that a ban on automation will also hurt his members.

As Palagashvili puts it, “They’ll save some jobs today, but they’ll destroy a lot more jobs in the future.”

That’s because today’s shippers have options. Daggett’s union only controls East and Gulf coast ports. Shippers can deliver their products to ports that accept automation.

“We’re going to see less activity in ‘Stone Age’ ports,” says Palagashvili.

“Stone Age?”

“They want to ban automated opening and closing of port doors,” she points out, requiring workers to pull heavy doors themselves.”

“”Some port jobs will definitely be lost,” she says, “but that’s not a bad thing. Look at it historically; we had hundreds of thousands of blacksmiths and candlemakers and watchmakers.”

Obviously, those and other jobs were destroyed by new technology. But unemployment didn’t surge. New jobs emerged—jobs people at the time didn’t imagine: programmers, mechanics, electricians, medical technicians.

That’s capitalism’s “creative destruction.” It constantly creates new jobs. That makes most everyone richer.”

Can China Innovate in Advanced Industries?

China is innovative and excellent at diffusing new technology throughout its economy.

The U.S. innovates to make money. China innovates to enhance China’s global power. The U.S. must adapt to this.

American Politics and the World Today: A Conversation with Fareed Zakaria

According to Fareed Zakaria: The wall wasn’t Trump’s idea. He was initially against it because he saw it as a gimmick. Then he tried out the line with crowds, and they liked it. Soon, Trump thought it was his own idea. to Fareed Zakaria: The wall wasn’t Trump’s idea. He was initially against it because he saw it as a gimmick. Then he tried out the line with crowds, and they liked it. Soon, Trump thought it was his own idea.

In Venezuela, Digital Freedom Is a Threat to Dictators

“security forces have been systematically stopping citizens to inspect their phones, including photos, social media profiles, and WhatsApp conversations. Detainees are often held based on content uncovered during these searches, such as images or conversations related to protests or anti-government expressions.
This shows Maduro’s willingness to crack down on dissent. It also shows the crucial role of technology in this fight for freedom. We use privacy messaging apps like Signal to communicate sensitive information. We rely on X and Nostr to share public information with the Venezuelan people. And we use bitcoin to overcome Maduro’s financial surveillance.

Regimes know this, which is why the Maduro government has been updating its surveillance system. They are doing this in cooperation with other autocratic regimes. For example, the Chinese company ZTE has been supplying Maduro with advanced surveillance technology, according to nongovernmental organizations.

This is also why Maduro banned X and Signal for 10 days across Venezuela, claiming his opponents were using these platforms to incite political unrest. This unprecedented measure in the Western hemisphere sets a dangerous precedent in the region. It also shows how regimes can restrict essential technologies, including their privacy tools and communication platforms.”